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Custom PC Magazine column

A monthly print column for Custom PC Magazine about technology and gaming culture, and the facts behind the headlines.


The column ran for a decade and covered topics from video game violence to the neuroscience of gaming.

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My work has also appeared in:


Media appearances, panels and talks

BBC Sounds Podcast - Online Book Pricing Algorithms

BBC Sounds Podcast - Asterix Puns

The Guardian - Is Superstition Rational? (Video debate

GINX TV - Console Yourself (talking head comedy about video games)

ORGCon, London - Using Social Media for Digital Campaigning (with Caroline Criado Perez)

The Foundry Sessions (live panel interview with Chris Hadfield)

ITV’s Good Morning Britain - Is Easter Religious? (sofa discussion with hosts) 
BBC Radio Five - Video games (live broadcast panel event)
National Geographic - Is It Real? (documentary show)
Little Atoms (radio show interview with Tim Minchin)
Sky News (talking head about women in video games)

Celebrity Deal or No Deal (as panelist for Jonathan Ross) 

The Amazing Meeting, Las Vegas - Viral Videos and Science Communications

TAM London - Tim Minchin’s Storm World Premiere (including panel event with Tim Minchin)

Edinburgh Fringe Festival - Gaming Myths and Monsters, Bad Science In Game Culture

Edinburgh Fringe Festival - Making Science Animations

Ada Lovelace Live, London - Gaming Myths and Monsters

Science Showoff, London - Making Science Animations

Science Showoff, London - How I Did The World Record Spoonbend

Z List Dead List, London - Learning To Love Latin

Z List Dead List, London - The Real Inventor of Monopoly

Think! Festival, Cambridge - Making Science Animations

Skeptics in the Pub, London/Bristol/Birmingham/Sheffield/Cardiff - Making Science Animations

The Pod Delusion Live, London - Women in Science (panel event hosted by Gia Milinovich)

Nine Worlds Convention, London - Promoting Your Videogame (panel event)

Dragon*Con, Atlanta - The Making of Tim Minchin’s Storm

Boring Conference, London - Algorithmic Pricing In Online Retail

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